Learning To Talk with Parents and Adults


Children learn a lot of things in school related to their subjects and curriculum. They learn about different subjects and their importance in life and with the help of them they prepare their base for their bright future. But there are some basics for which students don’t get any particular classes and they learn those basics in their social life with their tutors, mentors, peers, parents and with other people in their social life. Art of talking is one of them through which students are able to convey their issues, express emotions and enjoy their learning with tutor and mentors. And to support students for their learning and for attaining such arts and skills school managements are opting these days many tools like ERP for school and software for school management. ERP for school and software for school management helps school management to improve the performance level of the students and make them efficient in social skills. Students and kids can be found talking to several people especially with parents and peers most of the time. This defines how deeply the kids are connected with their parents. It is a boon that kids and students have parents, peers, mentors and tutors in their life to talk about as many topics and issues as they want but usually kids don’t open up with others due to lack of bond or sometimes due to hesitation. Sometimes it becomes harder for the kids to talk about some topics because they feel hesitant and shy to talk about it such as puberty and changes happening in their body and emotionally. So, here are some tips about how kids can talk openly with their elders, parents and mentors. 

Practice makes a man perfect- this is not only a phrase for adults only but it works universally. When kids talk to their elders after returning from school everything they saw and new things they learned then it makes a connection and bond with them. This gives confidence to kids to talk about something grave than normal also and get guidance. Kids can talk about many things because they don’t have to bring life like adults, everyday they face something new in school so they can talk about any peer, new subject or lesson they learnt or some new activities they had to do in the school. Even sharing hobbies and favourite food can make a good conversation elder in the family. To become trustworthy in family member’s or in mentor’s eyes do something which you both like mutually like walking, playing throw and catch, cooking, watching movies or cricket matches and keep having cool and small talks with them about whatever you both are doing together. Teenagers usually have little bitter things between them and their parents but there it is never late to have cool talks and healthy conversations. Remember it is all about the bond. Kids should never hide anything from their parents. It doesn’t matter, it is something which can be disappointing for the parents like news of failing in the exams. Ask them clearly,” there is something I want to tell you, hope you will understand, I have failed in science”. And if something is very private and kids are feeling very shy to ask about it then they should stay calm and ask politely to the parents, ” I want to share something very personal, I don’t know how you will react, but I still want to share it with you”. Such sentences show the dilemma of kids to their parents and then they pay heed to what they say, closely and react positively.

Self-talk is the best way to prepare yourself for any kind of conversation, interview, speech or talk. So, for kids and students if something is tough to talk about with parents, peers, mentors or tutors then they should choose their statements and practice them in front of the mirror as many times as they can feel confident enough. There is always a perfect time to talk about anything so kids should also keep this in mind that if they want to talk about something important to their elders then they should choose a perfect time when they can pay attention to them. And then politely saying,” Dad, can I have 5 minutes with you please, it is something very important I want to talk about”.

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