The Environmental And Economic Advantages Of Geothermal Energy The Environmental And Economic Advantages Of Geothermal Energy


Geothermal energy is generated by the heat found under the earth’s surface. According to the Utility Bidder, geothermal power plants harness the heat found in hot water reservoirs below the earth’s surface to produce energy. Geothermal energy power plants use antifreeze fluids and steam to make use of the heat found in the earth’s crust to generate electricity. Let’s look at some of the economical and environmental advantages of geothermal energy.

Advantages Of Geothermal Energy

The following are the advantages of using geothermal energy for power production.

Renewable Energy Source

Fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and gas are accessible in limited quantities. Fossil fuel reserves are quickly being depleted due to overexploitation. These are the two basic reasons why fossil fuels are considered non-renewable energy sources. On the contrary, geothermal energy is a renewable energy source.

Geothermal power plants utilise natural heat from strategic locations under the earth’s surface. There is a limitless supply of magma which is available all 365 days of a year. There is no way to calculate the total heat reserves that are available under the earth’s surface. Both of these justifications are the reason why geothermal energy is considered a renewable energy source.


One of the main advantages of using geothermal energy to produce electricity is that it is environmentally friendly. There is no combustion of fossil fuels involved in a geothermal power plant. Some kinds of geothermal power plants produce one-sixth the number of carbon emissions in comparison to clean natural gas power plants. Binary geothermal power plants do not produce any carbon emissions at all.

Reliable Energy Production

Solar power plants depend on the presence of sunlight. With the right amount of sunshine available throughout the day, the solar power plant can efficiently produce energy. Wind energy power plants depend on the existence of winds to produce energy. A wind energy power plant can function efficiently as long as there are winds in the location of the wind energy power plant.

The absence of sunlight and wind can render both of these types of power plants incur running costs without producing much energy. These factors do not exist with a geothermal energy power plant because it depends on the heat under the earth’s surface. This means that a geothermal energy power plant can function 365 days a year, 8,760 hours annually without fail. This makes geothermal power plants the most reliable and infallible form of a power plant to generate energy.

Decreases National Dependability On Fossil Fuels

A geothermal energy power plant is an asset for any country because it does not depend on fossil fuels. Traditional methods to produce electricity use fossil fuels to produce electricity. The country may or may not have the fossil fuels required to generate electricity traditionally. The country will have to procure fossil fuels from other nations.

Procuring fossil fuels from other countries will have a negative impact on the economy of the country. A geothermal energy power plant does not need any fossil fuels. With a geothermal energy power plant, the country can become self-reliant in terms of energy production. This can boost the country’s economy and the geothermal energy power plant will be an asset for the nation as long as it exists.


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