How To Add or Remove Watermark On a Video?

Remove Watermark

Watermarks are a useful feature and there’s a reason why they are pasted on videos. Sometimes it’s a way to prevent intellectual property theft and sometimes they are a way for video editing software to advertise.

However, these watermarks are unsightly and most video editors decide to remove them to make their video cleaner and better looking. Here are a few ways to do so, using different tools on a few different platforms. These are simple enough tools, and every knowledgeable amateur should be able to get a handle on the process quickly enough.

Removing the Watermark on Android Phone

There are numerous video watermark removers out there that operate on Android mobile devices. These apps usually have numerous added features as well and many users end up using the apps for editing or even uploading the video as well.

In most cases, the process is simple enough – you’ll need to upload the video onto an app and once you do, there’s a button to press to remove the watermark. Afterward, you should download the edited video and use it without the watermark.

Removing the Watermark on Apple Phone

The same can be done on an Apple phone and there are also countless apps out there to help you do that. Some of these require subscriptions but there are free ones as well. Those offer a similar service but are usually financed by ads you’ll have to sit through.

The process for actually deleting the watermark is the same as it is on Android phones. For the most part, you’ll only have to select the watermark and press the button. Once you’re done you can download the video and use it.

Removing The Watermark On Your Computer

There are software solutions out there that can help you remove the watermark in a matter of seconds, depending on what kind of computer you’re using and how big is the file you’re trying to edit. The software works similarly to that you can find on your phones. It’s installed on a PC or a laptop and you need to download the video as well.

The software can also be used to edit and further develop the video, but there are also simpler solutions that will only remove the watermark and can’t really be used for much else. These are smaller and less expensive options.

Removing a Watermark with an Online Tool

In the end, there are online tools used to remove the watermark from a video.  These tools are also used on a computer but they are cloud-based and you don’t need to download or install any software for them to work.

The video is uploaded on this tool and then the tool is used in the same manner as all the other tools we’ve mentioned. The user doesn’t need any editing skills if this is the only purpose they are using the tool for.

Why Should You Remove the Watermark?

Sometimes it’s the filming and editing software that’s used to add the watermark. That way the filming and editing software distinguishes between the videos made on a paid version of their product and the ones that weren’t using a paid or pro version.

If you want to make your end product appear to be more professional and more polished, the best way to go is to remove the watermark without having to actually purchase the paid version of the editing software that has generated it in the first place.

Watermark as a Trademark

Watermark is often used as a trademark and it means that someone is claiming the ownership of the video and therefore the rights that come from it. Removing the watermark in these cases can still be justified if the right circumstances are met.

You can remove such a watermark if you’re claiming the fair use of the content you’ve altered. The law states that you can use the video for educational purposes and in order to criticize it and those uses wouldn’t be considered a violation of rights.  If you plan to share the altered video with a large pool of viewers, you should consult a lawyer first.

How to Add a Watermark?

There are online free tools for adding a watermark that works rather similarly to those for removing it. Similar tools also exist for Android and iOS as well as for the computer or a laptop.

These software solutions require you to already have a watermark that you can upload and then make a part of all the videos. The watermark itself needs to be made in another tool and you can choose from a variety of photo editing tools out there.

When to Add a Watermark?

Having a watermark will make your video less attractive (that’s why there are so many tools to remove them). However, there are still reasons to use it and to add it to your video, it’s just a matter of choosing when is the right time to do so, and when the benefits outweigh the downsides.

If you’re worried about protecting your rights when it comes to copyright claims and the resulting income, having a watermark can be one of the ways to do it. It’s certainly not enough but it’s a way for you to discourage those who consider using your videos without the proper citing.

Do You Need to Pay for These Tools?

For the most part, the answer is no. There are free and paid versions of these programs and it’s not always important to have a paid version if you want this simple task done. As is the case with most things, paid versions are better and offer a variety of additional services. They also allow for a better and smoother service.

If you care about how easy it will be to use the service and if you want to do more with the same software solution, you may want to consider getting a paid version. Everything depends on what you will be doing in the future with it and how much you will use it.


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